MacWorld 1999 February
Macworld (1999-02).dmg
Games World
Xconq 7.2.2
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353 lines
(game-module "beirut"
(title "Beirut 1982")
(blurb "The heroic fighters of Beirut")
(see-all false)
; death squads shouldn't retreat
; no capturing of leader if they are win/lose condition.
(unit-type militia (image-name "soldiers")
(help "hide and fight from building to building"))
(unit-type |death squad| (image-name "45")
(help "used for assassinating leaders"))
(unit-type leader (image-name "man") (char "L")
(help "an individual, one for each side"))
(unit-type |car bomb| (image-name "auto") (char "C")
(help "destroys buildings and all else in the vicinity"))
(unit-type tank (image-name "tank") (char "T")
(help "also destroys buildings and other things"))
(unit-type wreckage (image-name "city20-wrecked") (char "W")
(possible-sides "independent")
(help "a disaster, but still OK for hiding out"))
(unit-type building (image-name "city20") (char "B")
(help "good for hiding out"))
(terrain-type sea (char "."))
(terrain-type beach (image-name "desert") (char ","))
(terrain-type street (image-name "road") (char "+"))
(terrain-type junkheap (image-name "brown") (char "^"))
(terrain-type fields (image-name "green") (char "="))
(terrain-type trees (image-name "forest") (char "%"))
(add sea liquid true)
(define m militia)
(define d |death squad|)
(define L leader)
(define C |car bomb|)
(define T tank)
(define W wreckage)
(define B building)
(define movers ( m d L C T ))
(define walkers ( m d L ))
(define vehicles ( C T ))
(define water ( sea ))
(define land ( beach street junkheap fields trees ))
;;; Static relationships.
;;; Unit-unit capacities.
(add (W B) capacity (1 2))
(table unit-size-as-occupant
(u* u* 99)
(walkers (W B) 1)
;;; Unit-terrain capacities.
(add t* capacity 4)
(table unit-size-in-terrain
(u* t* 1)
((W B) t* 4)
;;; Vision.
(add u* vision-range 4)
;; Tanks have optics to see further.
(add T vision-range 8)
(table visibility
;; Death squads are sneaky.
(d t* 0)
;; Leaders are well-known, so can't hide in crowds on the street,
;; but can take cover in some kinds of terrain.
(L (junkheap trees) 0)
(add u* vision-bend 0)
(table eye-height
;; Everybody can at least stand up to look around.
(u* t* 2)
;; One can stand on top of a tank to see further.
(T t* 4)
;; Buildings are multi-story, offer good viewing.
(B t* 15)
(add junkheap thickness 10)
(add trees thickness 8)
(add (W B) see-always true)
(set terrain-seen true)
;;; Actions.
; m d L C T
(add movers acp-per-turn ( 2 4 4 6 6 ))
;;; Movement.
(add (W B) speed 0)
(table mp-to-enter-terrain
(u* t* 99)
(walkers land 1)
(vehicles ( beach street ) 1)
;; Tanks can go cross-country.
(T fields 1)
(table can-enter-independent
;; Anybody on foot can duck into buildings or wreckage.
(walkers (W B) true)
;; ...but militia will always want to take and keep it.
(m B false)
;;; Combat.
; m d L C T W B
(add u* hp-max ( 9 1 1 1 2 1 10))
(table hit-chance
; m d L C T W B
(m u* ( 50 50 50 50 30 0 50 ))
(d u* ( 5 50 70 20 10 0 0 ))
(L u* ( 0 20 50 10 10 0 0 ))
(C u* ( 20 50 90 90 10 0 10 ))
(T u* ( 90 90 90 90 90 0 90 ))
(W u* 0)
(B u* ( 10 10 10 10 0 0 0 ))
(table damage
(u* u* 1)
(u* W 0)
(T m 2d2+1)
(W u* 0)
(add T acp-to-fire 1)
(add T range 8)
(add T fire-angle-max 10)
(table weapon-height
(u* t* 0)
(T t* 2)
(table body-height
(u* t* 2)
(table capture-chance
(m ( C T B ) ( 80 50 90 ))
(table withdraw-chance-per-attack
(u* m 20)
(u* d 80)
(u* L 95)
(u* C 50)
(u* T 25)
(table protection
((W B) ( m d ) 50)
(m B 10)
(add B wrecked-type W)
;; Car bombs do their work by detonation.
(add C acp-to-detonate 1)
(add C hp-per-detonation 1)
(table detonation-unit-range
(C u* 2)
(table detonation-damage-at
(C u* 10)
(C W 0)
(table detonation-damage-adjacent
(C u* 8)
(C T 1)
(C W 0)
(table detonate-on-hit
; m d L C T W B
(C u* (50 50 50 100 100 100 100))
(table detonate-on-capture
;; Car bombs often have booby traps in them.
(C u* 30)
(table detonation-accident-chance
;; Car bombs are dangerous to handle.
(C t* 4)
;;; Random events.
(add B revolt-chance 50)
;; Buildings may surrender to nearby units, including
;; other buildings.
(table surrender-chance
((m L T B) B (10.00 10.00 20.00 5.00))
(table surrender-range
(u* u* 1)
;;; Scoring.
(scorekeeper (do last-side-wins))
(add L point-value 25)
(add B point-value 1)
;;; Setup.
; m d L C T W B
(add u* start-with (6 2 1 5 2 0 5))
(table independent-density (B junkheap 9000))
(table favored-terrain
(u* t* 0)
(movers street 100)
(B junkheap 100)
(set country-radius-min 4)
(set country-separation-min 6)
(set country-separation-max 12)
(add street country-terrain-min 15)
(add junkheap country-terrain-min 1)
;; Don't let this go on forever.
(set last-turn 200)
(side 1 (noun "Maronite")
(side 2 (plural-noun "Amal")
(side 3 (name "Hezbollah")
(side 4 (noun "Druze") (plural-noun "Druze")
(side 5 (noun "Syrian") (emblem-name "flag-syria")
(side 6 (noun "Israeli") (emblem-name "flag-israel")
(side 7 (adjective "PLO")
(set sides-min 7)
(set sides-max 7)
(world 100000)
(area 72 42 (cell-width 50))
(area (terrain
(sea 0) (beach 1) (street 2) (junkheap 3) (fields 4)
(trees 5))
;;; Documentation.
(game-module (instructions (
"Take control of the city and eliminate your rival factions."
"Try not to destroy too much of the city in the process."
(game-module (design-notes (
"Actually, this includes only a subset of the actual participants.
They all fight each other here; there should actually be some alliances."
(game-module (notes (
"Relive the heroic struggles of the heroic factions fighting for"
"the just and righteous cause of control of Beirut."